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10:30 AM - 3:00 PM

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Beautiful or Ashe as we are now calling her, is adjusting well. The cats have sniffed her and she doesn't even seem interested in them. We named her Ashe because of a saying I heard " from Ashes comes Beauty". Thank you.


Hello Richardson Rescue!!

I thought I would share a pic of Boss (a.k.a. Bailey) with you. He is the most loving dog ever. He sure is a momma' boy & snuggles ever chance he gets.


I just wanted to show you some pictures. Bella is doing great! What an awesome little dog. I feel like we hit the jackpot. She rode all the way home on my console. Such a hotshot. My oldest daughter is totally bonkers for her. And the feeling is mutual. Bella has chosen her as her person. I tried to get her to sleep with me but she jumped right down when Bailey went to bed and she's been snuggled in with her since  10pm . We ordered her some special treats. And we went and got her a collar, harness and tag. I'm not sure why we even bought a dog bed as she is just going to sleep in the bed with one of us. Lol. Our other dogs welcomed her with no issues. We are so thankful to your rescue! She has fit in seamlessly. I just knew she would from the moment I saw her picture. 
I'll be by later today for her papers. Thank you all again so so much! 


I am so happy to have Batman, and he is an extremely happy boy. He has a favorite ball that he keeps close to him and he loves for me to throw it for him to fetch and bring back to me.  He has had no problem fitting in with my other dogs and they have accepted him very well. They run and play together. He likes for me to hold him like a baby and rock him, I rock him to sleep. I couldn’t have chosen a better companion than Batman. We have all bonded with Batman. It surprised me how fast he bonded with my husband. He follows me everywhere in the house. I left to get groceries and when I came home you would have thought I had been gone for months…he took a running fit and kept running to me, I thought he was going to cut flips the way he was acting. He is one of the sweetest little boys ever. Thanks so much for the rescues you make to save animals, and caring for them so much. Here are some pics of my happy boy.


Here's the sweet girl in her new hoodie! She gets chilly going outside.  😉  Thank you, Richardson Rescue, for what you do to save the lives of these precious babies. We love our new girl, now called Lucy!

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1968 Garvin Rd •  York, SC 29745 - 5084  •  (803) 628-5084 •  Richardsonrescue [ at ]