Shih Tzu / Pug / Mixed
Sweet little Teeny was born 10-29-24 and only weighs about 2 1/2 pounds. He has been held and loved as he grew and is happy to be around people and get cuddles. He is a puppy and will need all the tra... |
Shih Tzu / Pug / Mixed
Precious Tiny was born 10-29-24 and only weighs about 2 1/2 pounds. He has been held and loved as he grew and is happy to be around people and get cuddles. He is a puppy and will need all the training... |
Shih Tzu / Pug / Mixed
This gorgeous boy was born 10-29-24 and only weighs about 2 1/2 pounds. He has been held and loved as he grew and is happy to be around people and get cuddles. He is a puppy and will need all the trai... |
Animals Found: 15