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Beagle : : Female (spayed) : : Adult : : Small
Some day all pets will come from adoption fairies........... Kitties and Big dogs need love too !!!!!!
Xena is about 2 years old as of February, 2017 and weighs 15 pounds. She will be ready for her new home on February 17 or after. This girl has a very loving temperament and has been around children with no issues. She also gets along great with dogs of similar size. Big dogs tend to make her nervous. She also gets along with cats. Xena is also crate and house trained. She also likes toys and balls. She would make a great addition to any type of family. Xena is heartworm negative and will be current on medical (spay, deworm, shots, heartworm and flea prevention). If you are interested in adopting, please submit an application at www.richardsonrescue.org. You will need an approved application in order to set up an appointment to visit the pets in our care. For questions, please email richardsoninfo@aol.com. More about XenaGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Somewhat vocal, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Obedient, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle
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All pets here receive lots of love, exercise and are up to date on medical for their age. Feel free to email any questions to screscuepets@gmail.com. Or give us a call at , 803-628-5084.